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First Half Marathon Race Week Suggestions

The final ten days of your running program is mostly tapering from the past three months of hard training. You can improve and maintain your fitness with race pace and speed workouts provided they are not too strenuous. Here is a list of last minute suggestions that can improve your race time. IMPROVE SPEED ANDContinue reading “First Half Marathon Race Week Suggestions”

Tapering for the First Half

As the First Half approaches it’s tempting to run too fast or too far during the final few workouts. You need to decide how to adjust your training over the final two weeks before your race. This will depend on how much you have been training and the intensity of your workouts. The recent weatherContinue reading “Tapering for the First Half”


When the carbon fiber shoe landed in 2018 I was not convinced that they help you run faster. The elite runners were racing in them but they are already fast. After a while a few of our Forerunners clinic members started to race in them and had remarkable improvement in their finishing times. Many ofContinue reading “THE CARBON FIBER PLATED RUNNING SHOE”