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The Great Trek Training Suggestions

The Great Trek is two months away. You have time to improve your fitness and have a good race. I suggest you follow a program running three times per week, which reduces the risk of injury and is more time efficient. Running three times per week emphasizes quality over quantity, and event specific training through occasional long runsContinue reading “The Great Trek Training Suggestions”

Three Virtual Races in Two Weeks

The Fall Classic/Great Trek offers three virtual races: Half Marathon, 10KM and 5KM, with the option of the Hat-trick to complete all three race distances between October 16-31, 2020. There is a month to prepare and fine tune your training. So you have signed up for the Hat Trick. You want to run your bestContinue reading “Three Virtual Races in Two Weeks”

Beginners 5km Running Schedule

Want to start running and run 5km in 12 weeks? Follow this schedule: BEGINNERS 5KM SCHEDULE This program is designed to help you start out running and learn to run a 5km                                      Here are a few suggestions to get you started:                                                                                    1. Wear reflective clothing at all times                                    2. Obey traffic rules:                       a. Cross atContinue reading “Beginners 5km Running Schedule”

Set A Goal to Improve Your Short Distance Time

International level track and field athletes will often race a fall marathon after their track season. During their track season they will run several 3,000m, 5,000m and 10,000m races. Their track racing goal is to improve their short distance time during the season and perform their best at international events. At the end of theContinue reading “Set A Goal to Improve Your Short Distance Time”

Speedwork for a faster 5k, 10km and half marathon time

Forerunners offers a Wednesday evening speed clinic at all three locations. You can join us starting after Labour Day in September to prepare for the fall Classic Half Marathon, 10km and 5km. Why speedwork? Speed work improves running efficiency resulting in more economical energy use. Speedwork can rapidly improve your VO2 max which isContinue reading “Speedwork for a faster 5k, 10km and half marathon time”