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5 Ways Running Boosts Your Mental Health: Insights from a Psychotherapist

It was a cold, wet January. I had just moved to Vancouver from Ontario and knew no one. I was lonely and facing a chapter of reinvention in my life. These chapters are often when we are most vulnerable to depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges—times of transition and uncertainty when we lack community.Continue reading “5 Ways Running Boosts Your Mental Health: Insights from a Psychotherapist”

The MetaSpeed Paris Series Review

The Asics Metaspeed Paris Series is a new line of running shoes designed to meet the needs of elite runners. These shoes feature cutting-edge technology to provide runners with the support, cushioning, and speed they need to perform at their best. At the heart of the Metaspeed Paris Series is Asics’ innovative Guidesole technology. This technology isContinue reading “The MetaSpeed Paris Series Review”

Pre-Run Fueling For Workouts and Long Distance Races

As the long-run distance increases in the training schedule, pre-run nutrition becomes increasingly important. I want to discuss how you can improve your long runs and races through carbo-loading/fuel-loading. What is carbo loading? Historical carbo-loading asked runners to starve themselves of carbohydrates for three days then double food intake for three days before the marathon.Continue reading “Pre-Run Fueling For Workouts and Long Distance Races”

The Run Clinic Long Run

Our training program includes three key workouts per week: speed, tempo and long run. This week’s newsletter looks at the benefits of a long run in preparing for the half marathons and full marathons. The long easy run is simply that, a run at an easy pace which is slower than your marathon race pace.Continue reading “The Run Clinic Long Run”

Main Street Workout Location Schedule-Winter 2022

WORKOUT LOCATION SCHEDULE for FORERUNNERS MAIN ST-WINTER 2022 6:30pm Wed Mar 30 – Memorial Track 8:00am Sat Apr 2 – Creekside Community Ctr 6:30pm Wed Apr 6 – Memorial Track 8:00am Sat Apr 9 – Memorial Track 6:30pm Wed Apr 13 – Memorial Track 8:00am Sat Apr 16 – Memorial Track 6:30pm Wed Apr 20Continue reading “Main Street Workout Location Schedule-Winter 2022”

Tapering for the First Half

As the First Half approaches it’s tempting to run too fast or too far during the final few workouts. You need to decide how to adjust your training over the final two weeks before your race. This will depend on how much you have been training and the intensity of your workouts. The recent weatherContinue reading “Tapering for the First Half”

Forerunners 2022 Run Clinic Information & Training

The Forerunners Main Street Running Clinic for Winter 2022 training schedule is designed for the First Half Marathon Feb 13, 2022; and, 5km to 10km races A) The Three Goals of the Clinic: 1) Get to the start line – be ready to race without injury by not running too many times per week; 2)Continue reading “Forerunners 2022 Run Clinic Information & Training”

Hill Training for Running Specific Strength

For the past four weeks the training program has emphasized improving your VO2max through faster paced workouts at 5km pace. Tomorrow is your final VO2max workout of the series of workouts. The next two weeks of the program will allow you to recover from the higher intensity workouts by focusing on tempo pace. The tempoContinue reading “Hill Training for Running Specific Strength”

Improve Your VO2max Pace To Prepare For Spring Races

Your winter training has gone well. You have improved your fitness through long runs, tempo workouts and speed workouts. You may have run one or two virtual races to maintain contact with racing and stay motivated. The weather is improving and spring is around the corner. It’s time to step up the pace and runContinue reading “Improve Your VO2max Pace To Prepare For Spring Races”

Vary the Recovery During Speedwork to Meet Your Goals

Vary the recovery during speedwork to meet your goals The Forerunners training program is based on three key workouts: Monday Tempo; Wednesday Speedwork; and, Saturday Long Runs. The  speed workouts are run at 10km pace and occasionally 5km pace. Over time as your fitness improves it has become easier and easier to run at aContinue reading “Vary the Recovery During Speedwork to Meet Your Goals”

Circuit Training For Running

Circuit Training – Combined Speed-work and Strength Developing a few aches and pains or your speed has dropped? Have you let your strength slide during the winter? Strength improves your running technique and speed and reduces injury. During these times when gym access is limited it remains important to continue with your strength training toContinue reading “Circuit Training For Running”

Using Average Heart Rate to Adjust Your Training

The primary Forerunners training schedule asks for three primary runs per week; long run, tempo workout and speedwork. The schedule is designed to prepare you for races by gradually improving your fitness with a low risk of injury. You can accelerate your improvement in fitness by adding more runs per week or by adding extraContinue reading “Using Average Heart Rate to Adjust Your Training”

Is Running With Carbon Plated Shoes A New Form of Cross Training?

As a runner, the main reason to cross train is to improve your fitnesswithout the injury risk of increasing weekly running mileage. Ourtraining program includes running three times per week but you maywant to train a little more. You can use the traditional forms ofcross training to add aerobic fitness which include: swimming,cycling, elliptical workouts,Continue reading “Is Running With Carbon Plated Shoes A New Form of Cross Training?”

Forerunners Running Clinic Information & Training

The Forerunners Vancouver Virtual Running Clinic for Winter/Spring 2021 training schedule is designed for the Virtual First Half Marathon Feb 7, 2021 and Spring Half and Full Marathons. RUNNING CLINIC INFORMATION AND TRAINING VIRTUAL  HALF AND FULL CLINIC A) The Three Goals of the Clinic: 1) Get to the start line – be ready to race withoutContinue reading “Forerunners Running Clinic Information & Training”

Beginners 10km Schedule

Want to keep running after completing your First 5km?Beginners 10km Schedule WEEK MONDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 1 Run 5km Run 5km Run 6km 2 Run 5km Run 5km Run 6km 3 Run 5km Run 2km warm-up +10 times [30 sec. R FAST, 30 sec. W] + 1km warm-down Run 6km 4 Run 5km Run 2km warm-up +10Continue reading “Beginners 10km Schedule”

Carbon Plated Shoes for Solo Workouts

It was a running shoe revolution. New carbon plated shoes hit the pavement. The first was the Nike Zoom Vaporfly 4% and many soon followed from other shoe brands. Average times in marathon events were dropping and more and more runners started to race in them with significant personal best times. Competition heated. Nike releasedContinue reading “Carbon Plated Shoes for Solo Workouts”

The Great Trek Training Suggestions

The Great Trek is two months away. You have time to improve your fitness and have a good race. I suggest you follow a program running three times per week, which reduces the risk of injury and is more time efficient. Running three times per week emphasizes quality over quantity, and event specific training through occasional long runsContinue reading “The Great Trek Training Suggestions”

Three Virtual Races in Two Weeks

The Fall Classic/Great Trek offers three virtual races: Half Marathon, 10KM and 5KM, with the option of the Hat-trick to complete all three race distances between October 16-31, 2020. There is a month to prepare and fine tune your training. So you have signed up for the Hat Trick. You want to run your bestContinue reading “Three Virtual Races in Two Weeks”

Beginners 5km Running Schedule

Want to start running and run 5km in 12 weeks? Follow this schedule: BEGINNERS 5KM SCHEDULE This program is designed to help you start out running and learn to run a 5km                                      Here are a few suggestions to get you started:                                                                                    1. Wear reflective clothing at all times                                    2. Obey traffic rules:                       a. Cross atContinue reading “Beginners 5km Running Schedule”

Train in Carbon Plated Shoes to Improve Workouts and Reduce Injury

Carbon plated shoes have taken the running world by storm. We have seen dramatic improvements in race times across the board from beginners to Olympic qualifiers. Average race times were getting faster at Marathons with each passing month. Now that races have been postponed the excitement around carbon plated shoes has not diminished as manyContinue reading “Train in Carbon Plated Shoes to Improve Workouts and Reduce Injury”

Forerunners North Shore Virtual Run Challenge Results

Results will be updated Sunday evenings (the 10th, 17th, and 24th) Results for Week #1 5 km  WomenJocelyne Leblanc – 22:42Marnie Armstrong – 25:39 MenLei Guo – 20:15Doug Grimes – 22:20Barry Armstrong – 25:34 8 km WomenSanaz Saber – 44:12 Half Marathon WomenJocelyne Leblanc – 1:44:32Kelly Harris – 1:48:50 MenJerry Ziak – 1:10:07 Results upContinue reading “Forerunners North Shore Virtual Run Challenge Results”

Set A Goal to Improve Your Short Distance Time

International level track and field athletes will often race a fall marathon after their track season. During their track season they will run several 3,000m, 5,000m and 10,000m races. Their track racing goal is to improve their short distance time during the season and perform their best at international events. At the end of theContinue reading “Set A Goal to Improve Your Short Distance Time”

The Final Two Weeks Before the First Half Marathon

What workouts will help you have a better race? The final two weeks are just as important as the past ten weeks of training. You can workout in a way that will slow down your final time. Or, you can workout in a way that will help you have a better race. Your workouts shouldContinue reading “The Final Two Weeks Before the First Half Marathon”

Marathon Pace Runs to Improve your Half and Full Marathon Time

Most of our clinic runs on Saturday are at an easy pace: marathon race pace plus 30 to 45 second per km. Long runs at an easy pace help to improve the aerobic threshold which helps you race faster. Coincidentally the aerobic threshold is very near your marathon race pace. After a few months ofContinue reading “Marathon Pace Runs to Improve your Half and Full Marathon Time”

Run with Forerunners to Prepare for the 2020 First Half

The 2020 First Half is sold out, but you can still enter the race by signing up for the Forerunners Running Clinic. Forerunners has been a proud sponsor for the First Half Marathon for over 30 years and is excited to offer a running clinic for the race. We have trained thousands of runners forContinue reading “Run with Forerunners to Prepare for the 2020 First Half”


When the carbon fiber shoe landed in 2018 I was not convinced that they help you run faster. The elite runners were racing in them but they are already fast. After a while a few of our Forerunners clinic members started to race in them and had remarkable improvement in their finishing times. Many ofContinue reading “THE CARBON FIBER PLATED RUNNING SHOE”

3 Ways to Prepare to Race Faster When Tapering

As race day approaches you begin to taper by reducing your training volume. This allows your legs to bounce back from all of your hard work during the weeks leading up to the race. You feel you can run faster as your fatigue level drops and you have more energy. Most runners will reduce volumeContinue reading “3 Ways to Prepare to Race Faster When Tapering”

Consider Running Technique for Reducing Injury and Running Faster Times

Not everyone runs the same, and you will see different running techniques. If you are running inefficiently you are wasting energy. There are simple ways to improve your running technique to reduce injury and  race faster.Here are three ways to improve your running technique: Foot landing position – Focus on landing in the middle of yourContinue reading “Consider Running Technique for Reducing Injury and Running Faster Times”

Goal Setting for The Fall Classic

The Fall Classic is an excellent opportunity to find a race distance that will meet your running goals because there is a 5km, 10km and half marathon. There are several steps to achieving your goal. Your goal may be to run your first race, improve your best time, or boost your fitness for another race.Continue reading “Goal Setting for The Fall Classic”

Three Suggestions for a Better Race

With race day just around the corner and its time to get ready to run your best. There is time to run one or more low intensity training runs which should be designed to maintain your fitness while allowing your body to rest. After you have run your last workout your final race preparation isContinue reading “Three Suggestions for a Better Race”

Final Training Phase before the First Half Marathon

You have another month of training before the First Half Half Marathon. There is enough time to run two more longer runs before the race to be ready for  a successful race. Our current schedule calls for an 18 km run and a 20 km run to improve aerobic endurance. It’s a little early toContinue reading “Final Training Phase before the First Half Marathon”

Three Suggestions For a Faster Race

With less than a week to go there is not too much more to do to prepare before your race. You should continue to train but at a reduced effort and distance. Here are three key suggestions for a successful race week. 1) Training Tips With a Week to Go You should be easing backContinue reading “Three Suggestions For a Faster Race”

Speedwork for a faster 5k, 10km and half marathon time

Forerunners offers a Wednesday evening speed clinic at all three locations. You can join us starting after Labour Day in September to prepare for the fall Classic Half Marathon, 10km and 5km. Why speedwork? Speed work improves running efficiency resulting in more economical energy use. Speedwork can rapidly improve your VO2 max which isContinue reading “Speedwork for a faster 5k, 10km and half marathon time”

Cloudace Global Relay Run with Forerunners 4th Ave

For the most demanding runner, the new Cloudace will launch on June 21. We invite you to join us on an epic relay run through all 24 time zones in 24 hours. As part of this historic event, you could be among the first runners in the world to test this revolutionary new shoe. HowContinue reading “Cloudace Global Relay Run with Forerunners 4th Ave”

PRR “First Half” 1/2 Marathon Pick Up

It’s race weekend! The Pacific Road Runners “First Half” Half Marathon is this Sunday February 11th starting from the Roundhouse Community Centre in Yaletown. Race kit pick up will be at our new Forerunners Main Street location (3889 Main Street). Pick up times are: Friday February 9th: 12 pm to 8 pm Saturday February 10th:Continue reading “PRR “First Half” 1/2 Marathon Pick Up”

Why Matcha May Benefit Your Health & Performance

by, Carolyn Berry, BSc., RD, CDE Registered Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator @berrynourished_rd   With today’s focus on health and natural foods, many runners are turning away from traditional pre-workout powders and drinks that are highly processed and instead looking to natural alternatives. Matcha green tea is rising in popularity and is increasingly becomingContinue reading “Why Matcha May Benefit Your Health & Performance”

Why should runners strength train?

By Sean Del Ben, MKin, HBK, CSCS The main difference between a marathon champion and 20th place is efficient technique. That’s right, the key to improving your running performance may not solely be improving your V02 max, if at all depending on your current experience. Once your V02 max reaches your genetic potential, more mileageContinue reading “Why should runners strength train?”

Foretrails Fall Clinics at Forerunners North Shore

This is your chance to explore our beautiful North Shore Trails and maybe make some new friends! Clinics meet at Forerunners North Shore on the first day, 980 Marine Drive, North Vancouver. (please carry water with you.) The clinics are skills-based training sessions covering technique, gear, hydration, navigation, safety, trail food, trail etiquette, day-to-day nutrition,Continue reading “Foretrails Fall Clinics at Forerunners North Shore”

Massage and your training by Sean Ford Cannon, RMT

Whenever I meet someone for the first time and the conversation gets to our occupations, there is usually one of two or three things that occurs: (a) eyes light up as questions about massage bubble to the surface; (b) that nagging shoulder spot seems to work itself into the conversation; and (c), the current roomContinue reading “Massage and your training by Sean Ford Cannon, RMT”

The Forerunners Main Street 7 Summits of Vancouver Urban Challenge

The Forerunners Main Street 7 Summits of Vancouver Urban Challenge route includes seven peaks in the City of Vancouver that the participants must climb during the run. The total distance is 47 km (there is no official measurement of the course). The Challenge starts and finishes at Forerunners Main Street located at 3889 Main Street (andContinue reading “The Forerunners Main Street 7 Summits of Vancouver Urban Challenge”

Forerunners Main Street Clinics Until July

Forerunners Main Street 3889 Main Street, Vancouver, BC |Grand Opening 5km & 2.5km Social Run Phone (604) 559 – 3889 |Sunday May 28th, 9:30 am Intstagram: Forerunners_Main_St #yourunstartshere |Everyone welcome Strava: Forerunners Main Street |Pancakes, juice and coffee post run Email: [email protected] Website: |Walk, Jog, Run to Queen Elizabeth Park Running Clinics for SpringContinue reading “Forerunners Main Street Clinics Until July”